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Equipped for the Journey:
Your Vanguard Readiness Questionnaire

Equipped for the Journey: Your Vanguard Readiness Questionnaire

Welcome to The Savage Vanguard! Think of this moment as the beginning of an incredible journey—one where you’re preparing to step into your purpose, leadership, and impact. Just like packing for a significant trip, there are things to consider, items to bring along, and things to leave behind to be fully equipped for what lies ahead. This questionnaire is your opportunity to pause, reflect, and ensure you have everything you need for the journey toward growth, purpose, and transformation. Take your time and answer thoughtfully, knowing that this is the start of something powerful.

1. How would you describe your current approach to personal growth?
I am actively seeking ways to grow and improve.
I’m interested in growth but don’t often take action.
I feel comfortable with where I am and don’t see a need for change.
I’m not really interested in personal growth.
2. How do you feel about integrating faith into your leadership or personal life?
It’s central to everything I do.
I’m open to exploring how faith can play a bigger role in my leadership.
I prefer to keep faith and leadership separate.
I’m not interested in faith-based guidance.
3. What aspects of leadership do you find yourself wanting to learn more about or grow in? (Select all that apply.)
4. Are you comfortable with being challenged to step out of your comfort zone to grow as a leader and person?
Yes, I welcome the challenge.
I’m willing but cautious about leaving my comfort zone.
I prefer not to be pushed too far beyond what I’m used to.
I don’t like the idea of being challenged or stepping outside of my comfort zone.
5. How committed are you to investing time and energy into your personal and leadership development?
I’m fully committed to making growth a priority.
I want to grow, but I struggle with consistency.
I’m not sure if I have the time or energy for this right now.
I’m not interested in making a significant commitment to personal development.
6. How do you respond when faced with feedback or constructive criticism?
I actively seek feedback and use it to improve.
I’m open to feedback but don’t always act on it.
I tend to avoid or get defensive when given feedback.
I don’t like receiving feedback or being told what to change.
7. In what ways do you feel your current leadership approach could be improved? (Select all that apply.)
8. What role does accountability play in your life?
I value and seek out accountability partners to help me grow.
I’m open to accountability but find it challenging to maintain.
I prefer to work on my own without much outside accountability.
I don’t believe accountability is necessary for personal growth.
9. Are you interested in discovering your identity and purpose beyond your current role or occupation?
Yes, I’m eager to explore my purpose and how it impacts all areas of my life.
I’m curious about it, but I haven’t given it much thought yet.
I’m comfortable with defining myself by my current role or job title.
I don’t see the need to explore this area of my life.
10. When facing challenges, what kind of support or guidance do you seek? (Select all that apply.)
11. What are you hoping to achieve by joining a program like The Savage Vanguard?
I want to grow as a leader and a person, grounded in faith and purpose.
I want practical tips for success, but I’m not sure about the deeper personal growth aspect.
I’m not looking for significant changes, just some basic leadership guidance.
I’m not sure what I want to achieve.
12. How do you handle obstacles or challenges in life?
I embrace challenges and use them as opportunities to grow.
I try to face challenges but often feel overwhelmed.
I avoid challenges when possible and prefer to stay in my comfort zone.
I don’t believe challenges are necessary for growth.
13. What excites you most about the potential of working with The Savage Vanguard?
The opportunity to grow as a leader and align my life with my faith.
Learning new leadership techniques.
I’m not sure yet, I’m just exploring.
I’m not particularly excited, but I’m curious about what’s offered.
14. What resources or content help you stay motivated and engaged in your growth journey? (Select all that apply.)
15. When it comes to your personal or leadership journey, what topics resonate with you most?
16. How do you typically engage with content or resources that support your growth? (Select all that apply.)
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